
You have a story to tell. A magical book that you have crafted to inspire others.

Hagalaz Publishing wants to read the story of magic you have woven – fact or fiction – and the voice you have been brave enough to share. We applaud you in crafting your beautiful work.

We adore stories of magical inspiration and transformation, of small wonders and big epiphanies. This includes genres such as:

  • Nature and animism
  • Myth and folklore
  • Personal journeys, awakening and spirituality
  • Ancestral skills and death work
  • And of course the classics of magical realism, historical fiction, fantasy, and horror

You don’t have to have an agent.

You don’t need to send a 2500 word proposal letter.

You don’t need a marketing proposal and a giant follower base… or any followers.

Send us your work of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction, we’ll read it (we might be slow but we’ll read it) and the rest we can figure out together.

Submissions can be sent to